I have just seen they are doing a special offer to provide people with a VPN for just over a couple of pounds per month.
I am a technophobe.
So I think I can stream all LUFC games, whether I have to pay for them or not, If I get a VPN as TV companies will not know I am in the UK.
But I need my static IP address to access my company's system remotely and for other stuff.
Can I use the VPN when I want to and "log out" of it when I want to use my static system?
Any Internet nerds advice would be welcome!!
Cheers Guys, I will take the deal and get someone who knows what he is doing to show me what to do.
Your advice is appreciated.
yes mate,you can switch the VPN on and off,you can even pick what country your IP address will be from.
its fairly straightforward to
Simple answer is yes. Log in & out of vpn when required.
Hi BB,
The best thing to do is jack up your proxy server on ISO to the VPN, then when you want to remotely access the hyperthread netscaler you can reboot the RAM and go ether 3.0 with the wired connection.
This leaves your USB 3.0 northgate path with uniterrupted data flow to the MR 2.0 hub on your motherboard.
There is a complex solution but hey, this is a footy chat board.
Say what????
what strange language is this im reading???
bb have you smoked something you shouldn't have had🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sorry mate but im useless when it comes to stuff like this and just a word of warning so too is Lord ThunderTits.
He is still using a weather stone swinging from his gate for all his weather forecasts🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓