We know change is a hassle and disruptive, but spare a few seconds to log in to our new board.
For existing poster, your post count will start back at zero - everyone is a newbie, but fear not, Add you existing post count into your profile - you can edit it using the little arrow at the top left when you log in.
Some simple steps to observe;
If you log in with facebook/google etc. you will be signing up with your real name. For those of you that like to lurk in anonymity, change your profile name and picture - top right corner
There's lots of new features coming. You can opt out of emails etc. in the same place
Feel free to get in touch with questions.
We need your help to get this place busy and buzzing, so please sign up, and start posting!
Welcome and enjoy your new home!
Welcome Amersontommy0718
keep posting fella - very interesting 🙄
Never thought you were as old as Flatty's son Brian.
Alright Axeman,A true ULUFC Legend in your midst lads.
Thanks for keeping the ball rolling fids.. hope you and yours are well.
Everyone is good Tony, just waiting for others from the old board to find this one. Many have done so already including 77 year olds!
Hi all long time no chat.How you all doing?
Lads i think TC10 is trying to say in a roundabout way can we go back to the old board/settings as it took him 8 years to get the hang of certain things and all the changes in the this new board is like going back to low infants in primary school
Thanks all and will try tomorrow 👍
regarding putting a picture within a post : image must be in a public place so say for that image of "you" TC on another post earlier ...
i googled image of man in flowery shirt--loads of images
pick your image with press of mouse--
this highlights this image from others and brings it up on computer screen
right click and select copy image as
name the picture /folder ex: in my case image of TC
you will be asked where you want to save---select desktop
back to this site
bottom left of the box you are posting is --there is a camera icon
select and you will be able to see your photo in the file -select
make sure the photo size is within the guidelines of the site rules
you can make the picture smaller as you would in an word document etc..grab the sides/edges and adjust size --also option when posting to make smaller with little icons that will pop up
bryan with a y gets in there first 😀
TC - Go to your post that you want to edit. On top right (Where your name appears on left) there are 3 dots. Click this and then click "Edit Comment"
RE EDIT the 3 dots to right hand --hover over, left button mouse and a box will appear with one being to edit a comment
Can we edit a post?
Quality and thanks for your help Rich 👍👏
Couple of questions for feedback:
Can the latest topic jump to the top of the posts and highlighted so we know we haven't read it?
Can we highlight an earlier post so we know what we are talking about if a load of other posts have been posted in between?
Can the posts be in the most recent order of posting and we know that we have read them?
Can we go directly to the latest post or do we have to scroll down from the start of every post?
How do you post a profile pic and how do we post a photo within a post?
Just a few points from the technophobe before I get the hang of the new forum!
Happy now Andy ?
Like the look mate. Harsh on the veggies though
Mmmm.... I like good meat! Pig, wild boar, beef, pork, venison. Now I know why I am so fat!
Mine should stay in more too
i don't let the wife out that often!