Good on them, don't blame them at all, we should have done this with Bates.
Other clubs need to do something like this, Liverpool for starters, Arsenal fans need to get a backbone for once too.
Much as I don't like these clubs obviously, I wouldn't want them going off to some ESL.
Anyone else think they’ll get next to f.ook all fine/ sanction? A few rules may be tweaked along the lines of “ if you are thinking of doing it again, can you please consult the rest of us please. Thanks. Did we say thanks? Thanks”
imo the not so super six should start on -10 next season fines only mean the owners will put it on shirts sales or food in the ground a fine dont do anything at all to them at all
The reality is the FA and the other 86 clubs know the need these, well maybe 4 out of the 6, to generate income for the English game. A slap on the wrist works best for all.
The Government need to do something like making each club belong to something like English Heritage where owners cannot make impromptu decision without them having been passed by Parliament.
No owner would take on the Government. Evening combining their wealth there have nowhere near the funds to maintain legal challenge over a long period of time.
But that in its self isnt really a deterrent BB, as you say yourself "it wont hurt or upset them" in my view any sanction has to hurt.
Deducting points will / may prevent a team qualifying for a CL / Europa place, a big enough deduction could see a team relegated. Those measures WILL hurt but have the FA the courage to do it? or i suppose the actual question we should be asking what legally can the FA do?
Another thing on my mind is have the FA have any interest at all in punishing any of the "big 6" or is it all just lip service to save face with the other 86 English league Clubs. The liverpool and manure apologies werent worth the paper they were written on.
This cancellation is another two fingers up to the FA, again depends what the FA can actually do here, can they actually punish and side "legally" for a game postponement? Again the likes of leeds, wolves, villa, wouldnt have the lawyer monies available to fit a big case but MAnure, liverpool etc would and then the question would be what sanctions are actually written down for any break in the rules.
A minefield and a long battle which would cost the FA millions to defend, so im skeptical in the first place whether the FA want a fight at all with one of their buddies
As TC said, we were find £200k for not breaking any rules other than "The spirit of the game"
What the Greedy Six was for worse for The spirit of the game as can be seen by events that have unfolded afterwards.
Our fine was bout 0.5% of our turnover. Maybe their fines should be 1% of their turnover with all monies filtering down to the EFL. It wont hurt or upset them but it will yield a tangible amount and stop any arguments.
These clubs have a combined turnover of £3 billion so 1% would be a combined fine of £30 million.
Man Poo paying £6 million, Spuds £4 million and the other 4 inbetween.
Ive no issue with fans (or anyone else for that matter) organizing and taking part in a demonstration. BUT IT MUST BE PEACEFUL..
NO steward or police officer should be expected to go to work and come home with injuries. The police officer that was struck with a bottle just under his eye could be in hospital this morning maybe recovering from an operation to save his eyesight for all that that "fan" knew when he threw the bottle last Sunday, it was thuggery simple as.
The hooligan that set off a flare into the stand didnt know who or what the flare was going to hit when he let it off, God knows what damage that could have done. The brave lad that smashed his way into another part of the ground through a disabled access lift dosen't give two fcks about the disabled fan that needs to use that lift to see his team (same bloody team ffs)..
The FA need to come down hard on manu on this if they dont fans will do this again. If the fans knew that a 30 point deduction as well as hefty fine was the punishment they would think twice (reasonable fans would). If its only a fine that wont stop them as they will think that nothing will happen them, but if they knew - 30 points that directly affects the team and they wont jeopardize that.
But its MANU and the FA are hamstrung as they are very powerful within the FA so punishments will be no where near on the scale if was a millwall, a leeds, or any other Club that caused a game to be postoned in this manner.
I would suggest a 10 game ban of fans from OT
£100million fine
And -20 points
On a side note if i was WBA i wouldn't be accommodating a change of their game to allow a "manu v liverpool" to be played, why should they they need everything to go there way now to avoid relegation.
Leeds fined 200k for being on a PUBLIC WALKWAY....
Millscum fined a paltry 12k for racism....
Wonder how much Mancscum will be fined!?
The only penalty they'll get will be awarded to them in their next game....
I had the glazers round doing the windows earlier. You couldn't take your eyes off o them or they would be off with your curtains.
You make a good point soopa but I still don't blame them for doing it. The game being cancelled will cost scum and sky a lot of money, loads of disappointed Chinese fans not been able to watch those 2 teams.
Yeh if we had done it we would have been labelled thick thugs. Might have something to do with the fact we always top the charts on the most fans arrested list every season ( maybe not this season though lol)
I am absolutely FUMING 😡
We all know that if that happened at Elland Road we would be hung drawn and quartered: dirty Leeds, disgusting fans, dock points, kick them out of the league.
Other club do it, it's alright, lets stroke their heads - yes there were a couple of high jinx, couple of flares, bit of trespass, couple of cars burnt out, but they were nice fans and we support them being upset....
I want to puke at the double standards
I'm presuming that the same thing is planned for Spuds game later on!
Called of now
Be ironic if Liverpool refuse to play because they don't want to take their coach through a load of angry fans.